Saturday, January 29, 2022

Fernie Canto - The Ambassador's Visit, Part 2

01. Chapter 3: Rain and Cakes (or The Wade House Milonga)
02. Edinburgh (or A Stroll in the Big City)
03. Interlude: The Circle Song
04. Fun and Games (or Super Fights and Drunken Adventurers)
05. Interlude: The "Honeybee" Variations
06. Dalwhinnie (or Whisky and Chocolate)
07. Aberfeldy (or A Stroll in the Small Town)
08. Chapter 4: The Last Sunrise
09. First Farewell
10. ... Is This Really Happening?
11. Final Farewell
12. The Takeoff
13. Overflowing Heart
14. Epilogue: A Promise
Fernie Canto - The Ambassador's Visit, Part 2 Download Free

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